Currently offering evening appointments. Call to schedule.
1355 S. Higley Rd.
Bldg. #6 Ste. #115
Gilbert, AZ. 85296

Faith Transitions
Can you relate to the following questions?

Navigating a Faith Transition
How do I navigate intense emotions associated with questioning or letting go of previously held religious or spiritual beliefs?
How do my partner and I best navigate our couples relationship and/or our role as parents when we have differing religious or spiritual views?
How do I authentically inform those close to me of my faith transition, while also being sensitive and compassionate as to how this may influence them?
How do I go about filling the various voids, such as loss of identity, influenced by a transition of faith?
How do I maintain my love and connection with someone close to me who has different religious or spiritual views than my own?
To question or even change one’s strongly held religious and spiritual beliefs, due to a faith crisis, can be an overwhelming and disorienting process. To then share these questions and changes with a partner, parents, children or other loved ones has the potential to create disruption in those relationships. Some find themselves in a mixed-faith couple relationship, trying to navigate shifts in beliefs, values and perhaps parenting approaches. Others experience loneliness as they feel they don’t fit in with, or even feel excluded by friends, family or a previous community.
Having insight from first-hand experience, as well as the perspective of many others, I provide a safe, neutral environment to support both those experiencing a faith transition and those influenced by a loved one in the process of a faith crisis. My role is to support you in navigating this complex process, as you make decisions that are most supportive of your health, well-being and authenticity. I also invite you to foster deeper compassion towards yourself and those influenced by this transition. I look forward to walking alongside you on this journey.