Currently offering evening appointments. Call to schedule.
1355 S. Higley Rd.
Bldg. #6 Ste. #115
Gilbert, AZ. 85296

Trauma Healing
Can you relate to the following questions?

How do I keep my thoughts and actions from being so driven by past events?
How can I change the negative view of myself or others, which seems to be influenced by past experiences?
How can I resolve the impact of past traumatic experiences so that I am less triggered mentally, emotionally, or physically in situations that remind me of the past?
How can I engage with more ease with people and in situations that remind me of past undesirable experiences?
How can I feel more safe in and connected to my body?
Healing Through Trauma Therapy
Regardless of the cause, the effects of trauma can have a significant impact on one’s body, mind and emotional state, making it difficult to experience peace within one’s self and connection with others. Trauma Therapy can feel overwhelming, in light of the prospects of potentially revisiting and discussing these traumatic experiences.
Therefore, initially, I offer various self-regulation skills to be used when feeling triggered either mentally, emotionally, or physically. Through a collaborative effort we then can use various modalities to resolve the impact of unresolved trauma. I have years of experience in using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) ( I also have training and experience in the use of Internal Family Systems (IFS) ( and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) (
The effectiveness of these trauma therapies in helping relieve the effects of trauma is supported by research. I have also witnessed the benefits of these approaches within myself and in the individuals I have worked with. I am prepared to support you in this journey of minimizing the impact of trauma, thus allowing you to experience enhanced physical calmness, mental clarity, emotional stability and attunement with others.